Would you like to learn from me and train your dogs with me? Here are the online courses I wrote (or co-wrote) that give you the opportunity to learn from me:

Understanding Canine Behavior Part 1: A Practical Guide to Solving Problem Behaviors - this course is designed to provide valuable insights and effective strategies for dog trainers of all levels as well as dog caregivers curious about canine behavior.

What will you learn from this course?

  • How to analyze problem behaviors using the ABC model to identify triggers and consequences.

  • Recognizing and fulfilling your dog’s various needs, including biological, safety, social, and cognitive needs.

  • Implementing positive reinforcement and conditioning techniques to shape desired behaviors effectively.

  • Developing observation skills, marker training, and understanding the importance of timing in training sessions.

  • Utilizing prevention and management strategies to create a safe and supportive environment for your dog.

  • Applying the 3Ds (Distance, Duration, and Distraction) to generalize learned skills and progress in training.

  • Overcoming challenges and advancing in training to address behavior problems in various environments.

Learn more about the Understanding Canine Behavior course and sign up here >>> https://tromplo.com/course/understanding-canine-behavior-part-1-of-2/


From Pulling to Peace: Loose Leash Walking Course - for every caregiver who struggles on the walk with their dog and feels embarrassed that the dog is pulling.

By taking this course you will learn the skills that will help you and your dog achieve your loose leash walking dreams!   

In this course you will learn :

  • How to teach your dog to pay attention to you

  • How to teach your dog to walk on a loose leash in a variety of locations

  • What to do when the leash gets tight

  • How to teach your dog to turn away from distraction and walk with you in the other direction

  • How to work with distractions and much more!

Learn more about the From Pulling to Peace course and sign up here >>> https://tromplo.com/course/from-pulling-to-peace/


Puppy Kindergarten – From puppy to best friend! For every person who is planning to get a puppy or just took a puppy home.

Here is what you’ll get from this course:

  • Starting with your puppy from a get-go will help you avoid any aggressive behaviors from ever developing in your puppy,

  • You will learn how to avoid separation anxiety which not only saves your furniture from shredding and your neighbors from complaining but also increases your puppy’s wellbeing which often translates to lower vet bills!

  • Teaching your pup how to navigate through the human world will eliminate the embarrassment of having your puppy behave in an inappropriate way like get spooked and run or bark at things,

  • Teaching your pup how to greet people and dogs politely will save you from uncomfortable conversations and apologizing for your pup’s behavior,

  • You will learn how to teach your puppy to ‘settle ‘ which will allow you to take your pup out and about to a cafe or a pub and enjoy uninterrupted time with your friends.

Learn more about the Puppy Kindergarten course and sign up here >>> https://tromplo.com/course/puppy-kindergarten-from-puppy-to-best-friend/