Where you can learn about animal training (video)


Learning is a huge passion of mine. Learning about animal training is my two biggest passions coming together! I would love to inspire you to learn more and continue to grow. It's not always easy and there can be plenty of obstacles (time, money, lack of guidance). Fortunately, there are many resources to learn from (much more than mentioned in the video) and I hope you will be able to find a suitable one for your situation.

Huge thanks to Ryan O'Donnell for creating the following video and for his great editing skills! Sharing about passion with equally passionate people is pure awesomeness! If you haven't yet checked The Daily BA and all the awesomeness that you can learn from the channel, now is your chance! Highly recommend it! It is a must-watch channel 

Amazing mentors I learnt from and mentioned in the video are Peggy Hogan, Chirag Patel and Sarah Whitehead. I will always be grateful for your guidance!


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